I've been traveling all my life. From my parents throwing me in the back of the station wagon and visiting educational destinations around the country, to taking off on my own without plans and finding lodging at the last minute, just to see a small town in Argentina I found in an article.
I've traveled the equivalent of 7 times around the world and to every continent. I've seen more than 2000 cities around the world in 80+ countries, some several times.
There's so much world to see and not enough time.
My lifetime dream was to sail the oceans of the world and own a sailboat. It came true in 2011 when I volunteered to crew in private boats to learn how to sail. I sailed for 18 months around the world and wrote my first book about travel.
I'm currently writing two books (yes, at the same time) about traveling solo and with sisters around the world. They will be published by Adventure Publishing in early 2019. Read my blogs about them and sign up to receive regular updates. Also, please find me in social media and follow me.